Monday, September 18, 2006

My first observations!

I wanted to share a couple of observations from the
first two elementary schools I made appointments to
visit. I don't have a lot to say, as it would be
boring to describe, and I'll have plenty of time to do
that after I have my hand at relief or full-time

Both schools were incredibly inviting, and the
principal at the first wanted to talk and talk about
American education, which made me feel VERY IMPORTANT!
Their class sizes are large, as big as ours, and the
classrooms are all different sizes. The most
noticible physical difference is that the rooms are
more open, as in two classrooms share one set of
double rooms. So it's very noisy.

The best part was walking to the teacher's balcony in
the first building, while she was doing reading
assessments, and seeing Rigby PM Benchmark books, the
exact same set we use! I about fell over! And the
best part was that the books were exactly the same,
except instead of The Vacation Suprise, the book was
called The Holiday Suprise, and instead of The Skating
Twins, it was The Roller Blade Twins. How funny!
Obviously, I offered to come back this week and help
adminster it, and she took me up on it. Go figure...

Below, I have included the web addresses of the two
schools I visited, if you wanted to check them out.

Love to you all!

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