Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Day in the Life...

...of an American girl in a foriegn land. 
Lengthy, but true.
Wake up and eat Kellogg's Rice Bubbles (aka Kellogg's Rice Krispies), 7am.
Check and answer 10 e-mails.
Make a routine call to the NZQA to ask about my qualifications
Speak with Hope, my case worker, who informs me that the report should be in my hands within a week.  Until then, she recommends, I should begin my application to the Teacher Registration Board.
Go online to download application to TRB.  Begin to fill out form.
Find out that a background check is necessary.  From the FBI.  Of the US.  US$18 bank check and copy of current passport required as well.
Call the American Consolate to find out about getting a fingerprint card, and ask for directions.  It isn't too far.
Call ASB (the bank) to find out about a bank check.  Will cost NZ$25 just for the check.  Ask for other options.  Am pointed in the direction of a Kiwi Bank/Western Union.
Get dressed and walk to American Consolate for fingerprint card.
Get hit on and phone number from an Indian gentleman on the way, which is promptly discarded.
Turn in my electronics to walk through metal detector and locked doors at American Consolate.  Am complimented on my accent.
See picture of George W. Bush inside American Consolate.  Am not comforted.
Recieve fingerprint card.  Instructed to go to the local police station to be fingerprinted.
Pay NZ$4 for a cup of hot tea.
Go to local police station.  They do not do fingerprints at that station.
Police officer shows me the route to the next station.  I complain that I don't want to walk because I am wearing heels.  He says he is too.  We laugh and have a moment.
Make a call to the correct station and make an appointment.
Go home to get Passport and type cover letter to the FBI.
Walk 2 kilometers (3/4-ish of a mile) to the next police station.
Get fingerprints done on THEIR fingerprint sheet (thus deeming my trip to the Consolate unnecessary)
Withdraw NZ$100 from ATM.
Walk 2 kilos back to the bank that was recommended.  No bank at that location.  Directed to the nearest post shop (post office) that does money orders.
Wait in line at post shop.
Find out that a bank check is only $5, but that an account with the particular bank is necessary.
Walk to the nearest ASB. 
Pay NZ$48 for an USD$18 check.  Pay with NZ$60 cash.
Leave the bank and walk 1 kilo home. 
Realize that the cashier did not give me proper change.
Walk 1 kilo back to ASB to resolve issue.  Issue resolved.
Return home.
Make a grilled cheese sandwich with white cheese ("What's American cheese?").  It's quite delicious.
Call FBI in USA to ensure that I have proper documents before sending.
Find out that I accidentally had the bank check made out to the wrong government agency.
Take out the rubbish for Diane. 
Can't find rubbish recepticle.  Try two different floors, and finally ask the front desk.
Walk 1 kilo back to ASB for a new check.  Luckily, no additional cost is incurred.  By now, Virginia (the ASB banker) and I are friends.  I offer to bring her a cup of tea.  She declines.  We laugh.
Purchase 6 postcards with stamps, NZ$12.
Walk to the local post.  Buy an envelope for documents and address it wrong.
Cross out error and correctly address.  Buy stamps for the package.
Walk out with package still in hand. 
Return to the post shop, wait in line to ask where to put the package, and am directed to the drop box outside (if I'd have only known that from the beginning).
Walk 1 kilo to the store to buy more milk.  2L for NZ$4.
Walk home.
Love you all!

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