Thursday, August 07, 2008


I have decided, that for no reason than just because, the following things are perfectly acceptable:

1. When I get on a flight on Wednesday morning, landing in Japan on Thursday evening (essetially skipping most of Thursday), it is ok for me to go ahead and eat Thursday's calories anyway. I mean, since I'm ACTUALLY doing 36 hours in 24, I get to eat, let's say, 800 more calories. It make the three Cinnabons that I eat at the airport ok.

2. If I spend SO much on my credit card that I almost can't imagine how I'm going to pay it, it is INSTEAD ok to call the credit card company and tell them that my card was actually stolen. You know, get all the money back through the theft protection program. I have already practiced lines such as the following:

'H&M? Never heard of it! Nope, I certainly didn't spend $200 dollars there! And twice! No way!'


'Hmmm, I don't think I was ever in New York City or Atlanta. Des Moines? That's Idaho, right? Nope, never been there...'

3. It is PERFECTLY alright to shower* at the Bath & Body Works airport stand.

*shower = inconspicuously 'trying' three or four different lotions on your forearms, upper arms, shoulders, and neck.

4. It is perfectly ok to be proud of your US Olympians. And to be really, really, really excited when you see them in the airport... Go USA!

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